Will you Allow God to Carry you?

Many times when I am writing these blogs, I feel people are saying "it's ok for her to have faith, or say those things, but she hasn't experienced what I have experienced"

I also feel it sometimes being a praise and worship leader, that people think - She must not have any problems in her life to be able to praise that way she does.  But that isn't true, there is no-one without their own trials and troubles.  The truth is that I have learned that the bigger and harder the trial the louder and stronger I will praise my God - because I always want to remind myself and keep before me that God is bigger and greater than anything else.  Plus I am very aware and very grateful that it is only his because of his Grace that I am still alive and able to praise Him.

Yes, I am blessed that I was brought up in a Bible Believing home, with faithful praying parents.  Parents who taught me the promises and truth of God's Word.  But that did not exempt me or my family from trials and troubles.  Many 'preachers' kids today are as lost as those who never heard the gospel.  So I would say that there is more to it.

A few years ago I had a very real experience with God just in the local shop -  I had my trolley and was just starting to do my weekly shop - standing at the fruit and veg - I saw a young man about my age that I knew from my village - he was so thin and looked so ill. I knew he had problems with drugs and alcohol - but I had never seen him so badly failed before - As I looked at him my heart was broken for him and I asked God "What happened to this man that has taken him this far down?"   and what I heard caused me to leave all and run to the car in tears.  I heard the Holy Spirit's gentle voice say "Audrey, many have been destroyed with all sorts of addictions and many have taken their own lives for less than what you have been through, the difference is that you ALLOWED me to carry you".  And like a film he allowed me to see the seriousness of the situations in my life that I had come through, and showed me that any one of them could have destroyed my life but that every time I had run to him like a little child and allowed him to pick me up and carry me through.

I could sit down and tell you many testimonies today.  But it would take to long. But let me put it this way -   I can comfort a young girl who has been raped and tell her that she is still beautiful, she is still precious and that she is not damaged goods - I could give hope to someone living in a controlling relationship that it doesn't have to be this way - I can encourage a mother struggling with children with autism and tell them I understand  - I can identify with someone who has just lost a love one and pray for them for the strength to deal with the months ahead - I can put my hand on the shoulder of someone who is facing bankruptcy and say I lost my business and my house but God's not finished with me yet and he will make a way for you too - I know what it is like to have to trust God for food, heating and everything really but still say I am blessed - I've been ridiculed, gossiped about, even given death threats, I have been told many different reports by doctors - but through it all My God has been my Anchor, my Stronghold, my Refuge and safe place.  He has only become more precious to me and more beautiful.

Like the scripture that says His loving Kindness is better than life.  Life is worthless and meaningless  without his loving kindness and his mercy.  That is why so many struggle - not because life is so difficult but because they have not realised how much God loves them, and they have not discovered that amazing grace and mercy that he wants them to receive - as a free gift.  Sometimes in life the hardest thing to receive is a free gift - but salvation is free although It cost Jesus everything -  it is a free gift to anyone who would receive it.  We cannot earn his love, we cannot buy it - but once we have received it what else can we do but to serve him and worship him with everything we have - with all of our hearts, our minds and our lives.

I decided that I want to live all my days, close to my God, I guard my heart against fear and doubt by staying filled up with God's Word and his promises.  I have fallen in love with his presence and with his word and I have determined in my heart that nothing is worth letting go of his hand.

Where do you stand today?  Are you trying to make it on your own?  Are you allowing Jesus to carry you?

Only you can answer that - but I encourage you today that no matter where you are in your life - God has more for you - he has more peace than you can imagine - he has grace and mercy that can overcome anything that would come against you - he is the great healer - he is the light -and he is waiting for you to reach out to him and receive from him.

I pray for you, while the world is in great fear and uncertainty that you will discover the greatness of God's love for you, and that you will fall in love with him.  That you will invite Jesus into every situation that concerns you today and you will allow him to carry you.  For he is the great shepherd and he is the mighty deliverer.  Amen. xx

I have chosen this song today -

you can contact me on 07828874999 or www.facebook.com/JesusSetsFree
Please feel free to share this with others - remembering it is good to encourage each other.


  1. Thank you Audrey for this timely encouragement.
    This has touched the depth of my heart. Its just a few weeks after losing Bertie and my prayer has been quite simply, Help!
    I cant do this, Lord. I need you to carry me through this valley of grief. Only you can bring us through these dark days .
    He spoke into my heart again today that he would never leave me nor forsake me. He would always hold my hand through it all.
    And he has just reminded me of his amazing love again through your blog!
    Thank you. God bless you. Xx


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