
Showing posts from October, 2019

What do you do when your need healing?

What do you do when you need healing? Over the last couple of years, my journey with God my heavenly Father, has been very exciting to me, I have fallen in love with His Word, His presence and His Peace.  I never want to be one second without being aware of Him.  I started to discover how we as Children of God have the right and authority to speak to the "mountain" - (anything that is standing in our way).   In February of 2018, I had an accident with a broken glass which cut right into the center of the inside of my left hand.  It cut into the nerve stem for my 2 middle fingers.  Needless to say it was very painful, the specialists told me they would have to do a nerve repair, but that it would take months of physio and probably be well over a year before I would have full use of my hand, and maybe never have full sensation in my fingers.  NOW - this was not good news, especially as I am a worship leader and play the piano.  After the surgery I was in a lot of pain

Peace in the Storm

There is one thing that I have learned to treasure more than anything else in my life and that is the Peace of God - in my heart.  It is much more than just Peace in my mind or Peace in my body.  Because there are times in life that great unexpected storms arise - out of the blue - that take us by surprise and can so easily distract us or even knock us of track.  These storms of life can change our situations or directions but sometimes they change our lives - so that things will never be the same again.  At times like these we can feel like we are lost, like we have no hope or just giving up.  No one escapes the storms of life - they happen to everyone - regardless of age, gender, upbringing, wealth or proverty, or what country you live in.  These are the times that having an anchor that we can hold to, something that remains constant and never changing becomes real and priceless to us.  Religion doesn't do it, other people can't - but The Peace of God remains the same through