
Showing posts from March, 2020

Healing Grace

By the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of our Testimony WE SHALL OVERCOME There has been much discussion and many are talking about the PASSOVER this year.  Some people are quoting scriptures about the passover and many are hoping that this 'virus' will end at the time of passover.  I don't really have much to say about that  - BUT what is burning in my spirit is this Scripture about the Blood of The Lamb and the Word of our Testimony.  As most of you will know the feast of the passover is a celebration of when God delivered the Israelites from the angel of death that came upon Egypt.  The Israelites where given instruction to kill a lamb and put the blood on the door posts of their homes, because when the angel saw the blood - they would passover and everyone in the house would be safe. What we must not be distracted from is the fact that the 'passover' was a shadow of what was to come. This event that brought deliverance to God's people points to Jesus w

God is Good - HALLELUJAH

God is Good ALL the Time - HALLELUJAH This is a song we often sing in church - I love the words - but I'm so glad that the songs we sing aren't just about good words and catchy tunes - but they help us to express the wonder and gratitude to our Almighty Father and creator, and Lord and King.  How wonderful it is to be lost in Awe of his majesty, and wonderful and amazing love. When we consider that he has forgiven us and called us his own, we cannot stay silent but yet words fail to express what we feel.  So our whole body is moved - our hands raise up and our feet want to dance. I used to live in a house where my kitchen window looked out into the back of other houses - and one day I was singing this song and dancing in my kitchen, when I suddenly noticed that my neighbors (the 3 children and the mother) where all standing at their upstairs window watching me - at first I thought I should stop but I didn't because I really didn't care because I am not ashamed of

Whose Report will you believe

Whose report will you believe? There are so many different reports bombarding us today, it is difficult to know what is real.  But there are some things we can be sure about - we can be sure that God is still on the throne - he is still God of Every Man (whether they know it or not).  Jesus is still the King of kings and the Lord of lords.  The bible says that heaven and earth will pass away but that his word will never pass away, it is established for ever. We can stand secure and confident in any and every circumstance.  We need not be discouraged or afraid when we keep our minds fixed on our Father God and our Lord Jesus Christ. I woke up this morning with "Whose report will you believe?" ringing in my ears.  And I felt an urgency in my spirit to warn the people of God to be careful what you believe and listen to in these days.  In Psalm 24 it tells us to Open the doors of Praise and Let the Lord Come in - If we don't open the doors of praise - we will be ope

Prayer of agreement against COVID-19

As you all know, the Sunday Morning Service  was cancelled this morning in keeping with the guidelines of social distancing.  Knowing that no-one would be there I went this morning anyway for a time of worship to my God - because That's what I am called to do.  I am a Warrior of Praise.  I know that you are all praying and spending time with God in your own homes, and I thank God for everyone of you.  You are each precious, and each anointed and very valuable to the Kingdom of God. I wanted to share with you what God put in my heart today, but I could only record a little on my phone because it was limited to storage space.... so I am going to write what I am praying - and ask you to come into agreement with me, because 'where 2 agree in touching anything in earth it shall be done'. Father God, I come in the Name of Jesus, and ask for your power to be revealed in our land and our nation. *  I stand on your Word that you said that the Holy Spirit has come into th

Will you Allow God to Carry you?

Many times when I am writing these blogs, I feel people are saying "it's ok for her to have faith, or say those things, but she hasn't experienced what I have experienced" I also feel it sometimes being a praise and worship leader, that people think - She must not have any problems in her life to be able to praise that way she does.  But that isn't true, there is no-one without their own trials and troubles.  The truth is that I have learned that the bigger and harder the trial the louder and stronger I will praise my God - because I always want to remind myself and keep before me that God is bigger and greater than anything else.  Plus I am very aware and very grateful that it is only his because of his Grace that I am still alive and able to praise Him. Yes, I am blessed that I was brought up in a Bible Believing home, with faithful praying parents.  Parents who taught me the promises and truth of God's Word.  But that did not exempt me or my family fr

Love conquers fear

I have mixed emotions at this time of global fear.  It's like the world has finally opened up their eyes to see that sickness, disease and death is actually real. Like it is something new.  Where has everyone been living?   For generations people have faced, incurable disease and countless life destroying health issues, fatal accidents and more.   The medical profession don't claim to cure or heal disease - they say they only hope to control or seek to manage it.  There are many diseases in the world today that doctors do not know the cause or the cure.  Have we become 'immune' to the fact that people are dying everyday.  That families are being destroyed with the outcome of stress and disease.  Many people CAN'T leave their home for so many different reasons before this virus was heard about.  Many have been isolated and can't face life for years. I understand the real threat of this virus, but as with every other sickness and disease - the Children of G

Trust God when You feel out of your Depth

Trust God when You feel out of your Depth Many times when we are praying for God to change things in our lives, it can feel like everything is going the wrong way and we are tempted to give up and think that it is a waste of time to pray or trust God.  But the truth is that God has a way of working things together to bring complete freedom.  God's plan is always looking ahead and long term, while we are looking at today and can't see past the problem. More times than not we miss it because we give up to soon. When my youngest son was 4yrs old, he was outside playing with a little friend and fell and broke his leg between the knee and hip (the femur).  He was taken to the Children's department at the Royal Victoria Hospital.  Where for 4 days he lay waiting on a slot for surgery.  In that time we were all trusting God for healing.  The peace of God was all over him, and he was so calm - which was a miracle in itself.  We were doing everything we knew to do.  I played w