Healing Grace

By the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of our Testimony WE SHALL OVERCOME

There has been much discussion and many are talking about the PASSOVER this year.  Some people are quoting scriptures about the passover and many are hoping that this 'virus' will end at the time of passover.  I don't really have much to say about that  - BUT what is burning in my spirit is this Scripture about the Blood of The Lamb and the Word of our Testimony.  As most of you will know the feast of the passover is a celebration of when God delivered the Israelites from the angel of death that came upon Egypt.  The Israelites where given instruction to kill a lamb and put the blood on the door posts of their homes, because when the angel saw the blood - they would passover and everyone in the house would be safe.

What we must not be distracted from is the fact that the 'passover' was a shadow of what was to come. This event that brought deliverance to God's people points to Jesus who became the perfect and spotless Lamb of God, who would give his life to redeem and ransom every man and women back to the Father.  The Jews still keep the feast of the passover remembering and celebrating how God delivered their nation from slavery.   Born Again Christians celebrate that they have personally been Redeemed and delivered from slavery.  Slavery to this world and the darkness of sin.

Jesus has overcome the World, he has defeated the devil and was given the Name above all names.  When we accept Jesus as our own personal Saviour, we are lifted out of the kingdom of darkness and adopted into his Marvelous Kingdom of Light.  We cannot earn salvation it is by Grace through Faith, not by works lest any man should boast, it is a free gift - that we must receive.

It is a free gift to us - but it cost Jesus his life - we receive him - then - therefore we can say - By the Blood of Jesus I am Redeemed - and I shall overcome.  He washes and cleanses us and covers us over with his blood.

But what blesses me is that this verse says By the Blood of the Lamb AND the Word of our Testimony -  you see when the Jews keep the feast of the Passover they are remembering and celebrating what God did for them, it is their testimony.

It is a very powerful thing for a Child of God to Testify of what Jesus has done for them - not just the many answers to prayers - but what he accomplished on the Cross - and what he has bought and paid for with his own blood.

This is how we OVERCOME in EVERY situation, and circumstance - by remembering and celebrating The Blood of the Lamb - and testifying (speaking it out and declaring) that 'I am a child of God, I am no longer a slave to fear'  I have been redeemed by the Blood of Jesus.  This is the greatest testimony and the greatest celebration.  Jesus himself said to his disciples "do not rejoice that demons are subject to you in my name but REJOICE that your name is written down in the Lamb's book of Life.

You see when your name is written down in the Lamb's book of Life you are entitled to claim every benefit included in the gift of Salvation that you have received.

Healing and Deliverance, Provision and Protection and much more are all contained in the gift of Salvation.  You are already entitled to every benefit when you accepted Jesus - but we can miss out by not knowing, because lack of knowledge or wrong teaching or not being able to receive because of disobedience.

If you need healing in your body it is a good thing to go right back to how you received Jesus in the first place - you received salvation by grace through faith - you believed in your heart and confessed with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord.  You repented and accepted Jesus as your Saviour.  This is how we claim the benefits of this same salvation.  By Grace through Faith.  The Bible says clearly - As you received Christ -SO WALK ye in HIM.

It sounds to easy doesn't it?  Many times we think we have to struggle to be healed and wait for a long time - and hope that someday we will be healed.  But many people say the same thing about getting saved - they find it hard to simply accept - some think 'I'm to bad' and others think 'I'm not a bad person'.  Some think they need to clean their lives up first, some try religious rituals and on and on.  But everyone - comes to Jesus the same way - by grace through faith - by believing in their heart and confessing with they mouth that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

Could it be that we can receive any of his 'benefits' the same way?

I believe we can - you see many times God is so gracious, patient and kind towards us that he heals through the prayers of others and because of his GRACE and MERCY, and I believe in praying 100%. As the bible instructs to pray without ceasing - NOT JUST IN THE TIME OF TROUBLE --- But I also believe that Jesus is the Son of God - so therefore he IS my Saviour, My Healer, My Deliverer and My Shepherd.  The more I rejoice in who HE IS - and what HE HAS DONE - the more revelation grows and the more I experience his grace and power from day by day.

My greatest prayer at this time is that the heart of  people will be turned back to God and to His Son Jesus Christ - not to superstitions not to religious rituals and not to a watered down life-less so called gospel - BUT to the only True God, the Creator of all, and that they will see the Glory of God Revealed and that Jesus Christ will be exalted and lifted high.  People are looking for answers so lets not forget that we have the ANSWER - JESUS CHRIST and lets enter into his Grace more and more.

This song has become a pray to me  'Healing Grace' I hope you enjoy it and make it your prayer x Audrey

I am greatly disturbed in my spirit at this time of some of the 'foolish' and 'fear based' things 'christians' are saying.  We must be aware that the world is watching - the world is relying on the 'CHURCH' - because We are called to give hope to the world - we are called to be light in the darkness - I urge you to be extra vigilant and careful at this time - ask the Holy Spirit to give you discernment and wisdom like never before.  This is still the Day of Grace - This Gospel has not changed and never will change.   Be assured today that This Gospel will be preached and demonstrated in all the earth as Jesus said it would be.  The plans of the anti-christ will FAIL. AMEN. x Audrey


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