Whispers of Grace - Unchanging God


Whispers of Grace - Unchanging God

Isaiah 40v31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

These are the words I heard recently while praying:- 

My Glory shall fill the house flowing into the empty places where the hurt and the pain once dwelt.  My people desire to be free, they just don't know how to experience my freedom.  Many have known from time to time and seasons of dwelling in my Glory, My Presence and My Word.  I am with them always.  

Many are led by feelings.  But I am way beyond feelings.  Faith acknowledges My Glory and My Presence even in the darkest night and in the great storms.  Like the eagle waiting ready to take that leap out onto the wind, My people who wait on me are continually waiting, prepared and ready to leap out onto the wind and soar above the storm.  Many get lost and distracted because they are in the storm.  But I want my children to live in and walk in the Spirit - which lifts them up to a higher level, a higher realm.  The realm of my peace and presence, the realm of the fullness of joy.  

The storms of life come and go - but I remain unchanging, I never change.

Fix your eyes on me - I am the glory and the lifter up of your head.

When you fix your eyes on the storm, you will be pulled down.

But I am able to reach to the deepest level of despair and lift out of the pit.  Even when all seems lost, I remain unchanged.  My love and grace abounds and exceeds all natural understand.


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