Take God at his Word

Psalm 119v 89 Forever O Lord, your Word is settled in heaven.
Isaiah - 55 v 11 So shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth; it shall not return to me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.
The Word of God is full of mighty promises and he has made known unto us his thoughts and plans through the examples given to us of all the different events from Genesis to Revelation. The Word of God is anointed. The Word of God is the inspiration of God by his Holy Spirit. 2 Tim 3 v 16-17 says ALL scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
The physical pages of the bible where written down by man - but was God-breathed - Holy Spirit Inspired. Because it was God-breathed it is therefore anointed. God is still working this same way - he uses man to speak it - but it is still HIS Word - inspired and God-breathed into us by the Holy Spirit to speak it into the earth and release HIS POWER on the earth.
This is why the enemy has sought to steal the truth of the Work of the Holy Spirit in the life of a Born Again Child of God. Because the Word of God was given to man by the Holy Spirit doesn't it make perfect sense that we also need the Holy Spirit to give us the understanding, revelation and insight to know and believe what the Bible teaches us. This is why the bible tells us in Mark 7 - that the religious leaders where coming against Jesus with their interpretation of God's Word - but Jesus answered in v9 "Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition" and in v13 he told them that they were "making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered, and many such like things do ye".
What Jesus was saying and what we as the Children of God today need to rise up and say is Don't come to me with your traditions or your idea of what the bible says - I want to KNOW what God is actually saying.
I have always been taught from a little child - to not just believe something because a preacher says it - but go to the bible and read it and check it out. And more recently in the last few years I have been challenged to study the Word regarding commonly quoted verses. I have been amazed at how common, well known quoted verses of scripture are being taken totally out of context to produce something that is actually contrary to or misleading of God's Thoughts and Plans and the very nature of God.
This is very dangerous ground - The Bible says that even if an angel comes with a different gospel we are not to listen. It is very dangerous for a Child of God not to know what the Bible really says and teaches because they will be easily distracted and deceived. A half truth is very powerful - but the work of the Holy Spirit in us - is to teach us - to guide us - to lead us to ALL TRUTH.
The man made devil inspired statement "it's not God's Will to heal everyone" is one of the most misleading and dangerous statements among God's people today - because although it is true that "Not everyone receives healing" we cannot change the plans of God or the Word of God to say "it is not God's will that all are healed". This twisted lie or play on words effects how people pray and their confidence and faith in God. And is actually inspired by an Anti-christ spirit - because it is directly speaking against the Work that Jesus CHRIST the anointed one, came to the earth to do, which was to destroy the works of the devil. Acts 10v38 clearly says - God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power; who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.
NOTE : Anti-christ is not against you going to church or singing or talking about God or Jesus - BUT IT IS ANYTHING that is AGAINST the CHRIST THE ANOINTED ONE. So the enemy doesn't mind if you talk about God or Jesus - BUT he wants to keep you from knowing that JESUS IS THE CHRIST the ANOINTED ONE - and from knowing what HE HAS ACCOMPLISHED. So he actually promotes a watered down gospel, he will actually encourage people to believe half truths.
We must remember the devil doesn't come to us with horns and horrible black figures, the bible actually says he comes as a angel of light - he is very subtle - the doctrines of devils and traditions of man are very subtle and dressed up to look like and sound like truth. But there is one thing that cannot be denied - The Proof as they say is always in the Pudding. The inspired anointed revelation of the Word of God ALWAYS brings FAITH, confidence, strength, hope and peace and life. (Faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. Romans 10v17)
We must not become immune or de-sensitized to the Truth of the Word of God through 'Religious, Doctrines of Devils or Traditions of Man' But we must stay open and sensitive to the Holy Spirit within us.
Many times it is much easier to just take what we hear and think and say "ok Whatever will be will be - God is in control - I just have to take whatever comes - and hope that it will all work out in the end.
We can be sure that it will all work out in the end - because God has promised us eternal life with him in heaven - IF we ACCEPT JESUS as Lord. Notice that our very Salvation is dependent on whether we accept Jesus or whether we don't. So if it where true that God is in control of everything - then why bother to even preach the Gospel of Salvation in the first place? So if we need to ACCEPT and RECEIVE Jesus as Lord and Saviour in the first place is it not also true that we must ACCEPT and RECEIVE everything else that he has provided for us in that gift of salvation - including the benefits and promises.
Jesus taught us how to prayer - through what we call the Lord's prayer - he told us to forgive others when we pray, because if we don't our Father will not forgive us and won't hear our prayers - he told us whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours - he also taught us to speak to the mountain and command it to be removed and cast into the sea.
Can you see - that in all of what Jesus told us to do - he never said - sit down or lay back and do nothing because whatever will be will be?
It is important to rise up and take God at his Word. Isaiah 66 says - Thus saith the Lord, the heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool; where is the house that ye build unto me? and where is the place of my rest? For all those things hath mine hand made, and all those things have been saith the Lord, but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word.....v 5. Hear the Word of the Lord ye that tremble at his word; your brethren that hated you, that cast you out for my name's sake, said, Let the Lord be glorified; but he shall appear to your joy, and they shall be ashamed.
I have watched many times in my own life and seen many others - in the day of trouble we will either hear the Word of the Lord and rise up and tremble and reverence God in FAITH - OR we will not be able to hear the Word of God and fall down and tremble in FEAR.
I want to share an experience with you that I hope will open this understanding to you - about TAKING God at his Word.
Last year, we were invited to a certain place, when I was there I did feel some resistance, but didn't let that bother me, I spoke what God had given me. But that night I had a dream - in the dream a lady was holding a long stick that was pierced into my side and she was surrounded by dark figures - she was shouting out 'It's stuck, it's lodged, it won't come out, nothing will bring it out' I woke up with a terrible pain in my side. I got up from bed and went to the toilet, feeling sick and like I was going to pass out. I knew the Word of God says to resist the devil and he will flee - So I said out loud, God I submit myself to you and to your Word, I belong to you - my body, soul and spirit therefore I resist this attack and this pain in Jesus Name knowing that it must flee - I am going to go back to bed and sleep peacefully. I did go back to bed and went back to sleep. I thought that was the end of it, but as you will know from my previous blogs I did take gradually more sick. I wasn't in pain so much as everything was happening internally. BUT I remember clearly after getting all the tests taken on a Thursday - that on that Sunday God spoke to me - Go and TAKE BACK your healing. I knew what that meant. I knew that I could not blame people for speaking this attack against me - I had to love the people but I had to TAKE BACK my healing. So I did - I told the Lord and made the decision in my heart that I forgive and love the people, But with Holy Ghost boldness I would not be intimidated by any devil of sickness or disease and I rose up and said I TAKE BACK my healing and I send this sickness back to sender (hell) in Jesus Name. I went back and showed love to the people. And later that evening I went to church - one of the songs they were singing was "I went to the enemies camp and took back what he stole from me" this confirmed and encouraged me greatly. From that moment I did start getting noticeably better. And as I have already testified a few months later was given an excellent report.
What God had been teaching me before this happened was not to ask for something he had already given. Like his peace - Jesus said his peace he has given to us - so we don't have to ask him for peace - we simply take it - we accept and receive it, How? by Praise and Thanksgiving.
I heard another testimony today as I was preparing to write this - of a family whose son had been diagnosed with an incurable disease, and they couldn't understand why the son was getting worse instead of better. They were believing and praying, the whole church was fasting and praying with them and they were doing everything they knew today. Until one day the father read something and this revelation came into his spirit to stop asking God for something he had already given - take his miracle and speak to the disease and command it to leave. So he rose up and did just that. When the son went that week for his checkups the doctors could not find anything wrong. He was completely healed.
I have recorded this song I wrote a few years ago called "This is the Fast" this is how I meditate on God's Word by singing it. (please remember that I only record by myself in my spare room with basic equipment) -
These words taken from Isaiah 58 reminds us that when we fast and pray - that we aren't just asking or begging God to do something but instead we are taking him at his Word and speaking his Word and Commanding mountains to move, breaking bands of wickedness, undoing the heavy burdens and breaking every yoke. We pull down strongholds, we bind the enemy and loose the will and plan of God. As we do, we ourselves are strengthened and God will surround us and things will change.
So be encouraged today that as a Child of God you have the authority to speak to the mountain and command it to be removed. You have the authority to speak to bodies and command them to work. When you praise and worship Jesus and declare him as healer - you can release healing power to flow to yourself and others. When others speak weakness and death - you have the authority to speak life.
God Bless x Audrey
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