Time to Recover
This last week, my little kitten has been recovering from an operation, she is usually full of life and bursting with energy and wants to be in the middle of everything. But she has had to be content to rest. We thought she would be quite frustrated and would fight having to wear the collar but she has been very good. The first couple of days, while she was still very tender and still sleepy from the anesthetic, we were playing soft healing music to her and praying over her. And we have been amazed at how contented and peaceful she has been.
This made me think of how we are sometimes, when our bodies need rest and we need time to recover, but it can be very difficult to just simply REST. Whether we feel like we should be doing something or our minds are racing - it can be very difficult to rest properly. Even if we have had a cold or flu we don't always take sufficient time to rest, because of work or family commitments etc. It seems like its impossible. And because we don't have sufficient time to recover we can take a relapse which only prolongs recovery. Even when our bodies are so exhausted it can still be difficult to sleep.
After an operation we are always given a SET TIME for Recovery, and it is always best to do what the doctors have advised. Whether it is rest for 2 weeks or 2 months etc. We understand this, yet when it comes to our walk of faith, we think somehow one prayer is going to change everything immediately. But what if we have been in a state of abuse, fear or illness for a long period of time, Not only does our bodies and minds need to heal, but our thinking and our heart need time to be healed and time to recover - to a different and new way of thinking.
Imagine it this way - when we pray or someone prays for us - God touches our hearts and works or operates in us - but like in the natural when we have had an operation there is always a SET TIME to Recover - if we just carry on the same as before - worrying, stressing and fearful etc and not RESTING in God - we will find ourselves slowly back to the same or even worse than before. This is where many Christians get discouraged and are tempted to give up. But there is a SET TIME for your RECOVERY. Maybe, for a set time, we need to be careful who we spend our time with, or what we are listening to etc. Avoiding stressful and hurtful situations as much as is possible.
I have discovered PEACE that over-rides and cancels out the Restlessness in my own life. Jesus said His own Peace he has given to us, a peace that the world cannot give and a peace that passes all understanding. (in other words -a peace that cannot be explained). As I thought about this scripture, I started to want and desire to know this Peace that Jesus said he had given to me. I don't really know how he did it, but I know that something changed inside of me bit by bit. Looking back, it started on small personal things like getting my housework done. I used to feel overwhelmed so I would sit down first - and pray and ask the Holy Spirit to help me get the work done. I would start singing and praising and before I knew it, I was finished. I got more done than I had planned and it wasn't difficult. I did the same thing with other difficult jobs like paperwork and accounts. And somewhere along the way it became a habit - a good habit (instead of feeling overwhelmed and stressed) I actually enjoyed doing things that I dreaded before. You see the Holy Spirit isn't just here to help us minister or work in the church but he is concerned about every area of our lives. He wants us to invite him and allow him to be part of everything we do.
Maybe you are feeling overwhelmed or discouraged today and thinking that things are never going to get any better. Maybe you feel that the more you pray the worse things get. Maybe you know your not as bad as you used to be but feeling frustrated that your not making faster progress. I want to encourage you today that God knows exactly where you are and what you are going through and he wants to comfort you. He has a SET TIME for Recovery for you if you will allow him to teach you how to rest in him step by step.
Like my little kitten, even though I am tempted to take the collar off her to make her more comfortable. I know it is best for her in the long run to keep it on until the stitches have been removed and let the SET TIME of RECOVERY do its work.
We can find comfort it the scriptures that says "my times are in your hands O Lord" and "God makes all things beautiful in his time" - we can either fight against him or learn to trust him - I want to Trust him more and more in my life and I pray that you will have that same desire.
I have chosen this old chorus recorded by Eilish from our 1st CD. I hope it encourages you today to learn how to Rest in God.
Jesus said "Come unto me all ye who are weary and I will give you rest, come learn all about me for my yoke is easy and my burden is light" - this means that you can trust him. He isn't going to take away your burden and then give you a worse one. The bible also says "Cast all your care upon him FOR HE CARES FOR YOU". Be encouraged today and God Bless. Audrey xx
Please remember to pass this on to others. Help encourage each other to have hope for a better and brighter future.
This made me think of how we are sometimes, when our bodies need rest and we need time to recover, but it can be very difficult to just simply REST. Whether we feel like we should be doing something or our minds are racing - it can be very difficult to rest properly. Even if we have had a cold or flu we don't always take sufficient time to rest, because of work or family commitments etc. It seems like its impossible. And because we don't have sufficient time to recover we can take a relapse which only prolongs recovery. Even when our bodies are so exhausted it can still be difficult to sleep.
After an operation we are always given a SET TIME for Recovery, and it is always best to do what the doctors have advised. Whether it is rest for 2 weeks or 2 months etc. We understand this, yet when it comes to our walk of faith, we think somehow one prayer is going to change everything immediately. But what if we have been in a state of abuse, fear or illness for a long period of time, Not only does our bodies and minds need to heal, but our thinking and our heart need time to be healed and time to recover - to a different and new way of thinking.
Imagine it this way - when we pray or someone prays for us - God touches our hearts and works or operates in us - but like in the natural when we have had an operation there is always a SET TIME to Recover - if we just carry on the same as before - worrying, stressing and fearful etc and not RESTING in God - we will find ourselves slowly back to the same or even worse than before. This is where many Christians get discouraged and are tempted to give up. But there is a SET TIME for your RECOVERY. Maybe, for a set time, we need to be careful who we spend our time with, or what we are listening to etc. Avoiding stressful and hurtful situations as much as is possible.
I have discovered PEACE that over-rides and cancels out the Restlessness in my own life. Jesus said His own Peace he has given to us, a peace that the world cannot give and a peace that passes all understanding. (in other words -a peace that cannot be explained). As I thought about this scripture, I started to want and desire to know this Peace that Jesus said he had given to me. I don't really know how he did it, but I know that something changed inside of me bit by bit. Looking back, it started on small personal things like getting my housework done. I used to feel overwhelmed so I would sit down first - and pray and ask the Holy Spirit to help me get the work done. I would start singing and praising and before I knew it, I was finished. I got more done than I had planned and it wasn't difficult. I did the same thing with other difficult jobs like paperwork and accounts. And somewhere along the way it became a habit - a good habit (instead of feeling overwhelmed and stressed) I actually enjoyed doing things that I dreaded before. You see the Holy Spirit isn't just here to help us minister or work in the church but he is concerned about every area of our lives. He wants us to invite him and allow him to be part of everything we do.
Maybe you are feeling overwhelmed or discouraged today and thinking that things are never going to get any better. Maybe you feel that the more you pray the worse things get. Maybe you know your not as bad as you used to be but feeling frustrated that your not making faster progress. I want to encourage you today that God knows exactly where you are and what you are going through and he wants to comfort you. He has a SET TIME for Recovery for you if you will allow him to teach you how to rest in him step by step.

We can find comfort it the scriptures that says "my times are in your hands O Lord" and "God makes all things beautiful in his time" - we can either fight against him or learn to trust him - I want to Trust him more and more in my life and I pray that you will have that same desire.
I have chosen this old chorus recorded by Eilish from our 1st CD. I hope it encourages you today to learn how to Rest in God.
Jesus said "Come unto me all ye who are weary and I will give you rest, come learn all about me for my yoke is easy and my burden is light" - this means that you can trust him. He isn't going to take away your burden and then give you a worse one. The bible also says "Cast all your care upon him FOR HE CARES FOR YOU". Be encouraged today and God Bless. Audrey xx
Please remember to pass this on to others. Help encourage each other to have hope for a better and brighter future.
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