Restored not Upcycled
Recently I was asked to speak at a ladies meeting. They asked me to come and speak about Restoring Furniture because that's what I do for a living. My Husband and I run an Antique and Vintage Business. They asked me to speak about what we do with the furniture and also to speak about the Restoring Power of God. So I thought I would share some of it with you.
Our business is called Every One Unique, and we picked that name because Antique furniture was handmade and each piece is unique, plus we paint furniture and try to do something different every time. But most of all because We believe that Every One of us are Unique, we have different likes and dislikes and styles etc, and that is OK. Our saying in our custom painting is Your Home - Your Style - Your Choice. I believe God wants us to celebrate and embrace our Uniqueness, because it brings Glory to Him as our Creator.
Upcycled- Painted Furniture
I shared with the ladies the different types of paint and products and showed some pictures and explained that sometimes we paint furniture because it is to damaged and to far beyond restoring and rather than throw it away we give it a new look. Sometimes there's nothing wrong with the furniture but people just want a different style or colour, and it is less expensive to get it painted than to buy new furniture. But what God showed me is that we as individuals try to upcycle our lives - we can dress up, put on makeup, get a new hairstyle put a smile on our faces and try to look our best and make others think that everything is OK - but inside we are hurting, fearful, lonely or confused. Sometimes we try to fix ourselves using drugs, relationships and even getting busy in church etc. But all these things can leave us feeling even more empty and hurt. So my conclusion was that Upcycling represented our own efforts to clean up our lives without God.
We really love antique furniture, because of the quality workmanship and uniqueness of each piece, they really were made to last. My husband is always on the lookout for un-usual pieces and really loves to find a piece that no-body else wants - something that needs a lot of TLC. He loves a total restoration project, taking the broken pieces and putting it all back together. He often arrives home and says "now before you see this - remember you have to see it finished" or "you need to look at its potential". This is more like what happens to us - When God looks at us - he knows and sees all the brokenness, all the damage and all the hurts but sees "potential" in us - he longs to put all the broken pieces back together and make something beautiful of our lives. The bible teaches us that we are the workmanship of God's hands - He is our creator.
His love is amazing and sees past the damage and looks at us with gentleness and grace, and patiently waits for us to come to him. He is always ready to respond to us when we call out to Jesus. He longs to bring peace and new life to us.
I remember a time when I had no confidence, my self image was in ruins. I felt trapped and alone. These words were spoken over me "you are damaged goods and no-one else will ever want you" and they haunted me. I was broken inside. On the outside I covered up the pain and tried to make the best of life. But eventually I broke down under the pressure and couldn't keep going. I know everyone has their own story and experiences that have kept us from knowing and discovering who God has created us to be. BUT I praise God it is never to late to run to Jesus. He is the Prince of Peace and the Healer of the broken hearted.
When we call on his name we can be healed, restored and set free. It won't happen overnight, but when we come to him, and talk to him, and trust him and learn more about him - he gently leads us step by step into a new way of life - a new vision for our future and a hope for better days yet to come.
I love this verse in 2 Corinthians chapter 5 verse 1 it says "Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun" I praise God that he has healed me from the inside out and has made me a new person - and He will do the same for you if you will allow him to.
With the furniture - we are limited to what we can do and a few times there has been to much damage and we have had to give up and throw it away. BUT PRAISE GOD - nothing is to difficult for him - all things are possible to our God - The bible says that He will turn no-one away who calls on his name. No matter how difficult your situation and circumstances are, God has a way for you, He is more than able to do exceeding abundantly more than you can ask or even think. Remember he is the creator of ALL things.
I wrote this song quite a few years ago it is sung here by Eilish and Sophie - I hope and pray that it encourages you today. If you haven't already Accepted Jesus and asked him to be your Saviour - you can pray to him today - just where you are and just as you are.
Recently I was asked to speak at a ladies meeting. They asked me to come and speak about Restoring Furniture because that's what I do for a living. My Husband and I run an Antique and Vintage Business. They asked me to speak about what we do with the furniture and also to speak about the Restoring Power of God. So I thought I would share some of it with you.
Our business is called Every One Unique, and we picked that name because Antique furniture was handmade and each piece is unique, plus we paint furniture and try to do something different every time. But most of all because We believe that Every One of us are Unique, we have different likes and dislikes and styles etc, and that is OK. Our saying in our custom painting is Your Home - Your Style - Your Choice. I believe God wants us to celebrate and embrace our Uniqueness, because it brings Glory to Him as our Creator.
Upcycled- Painted Furniture
I shared with the ladies the different types of paint and products and showed some pictures and explained that sometimes we paint furniture because it is to damaged and to far beyond restoring and rather than throw it away we give it a new look. Sometimes there's nothing wrong with the furniture but people just want a different style or colour, and it is less expensive to get it painted than to buy new furniture. But what God showed me is that we as individuals try to upcycle our lives - we can dress up, put on makeup, get a new hairstyle put a smile on our faces and try to look our best and make others think that everything is OK - but inside we are hurting, fearful, lonely or confused. Sometimes we try to fix ourselves using drugs, relationships and even getting busy in church etc. But all these things can leave us feeling even more empty and hurt. So my conclusion was that Upcycling represented our own efforts to clean up our lives without God.
We really love antique furniture, because of the quality workmanship and uniqueness of each piece, they really were made to last. My husband is always on the lookout for un-usual pieces and really loves to find a piece that no-body else wants - something that needs a lot of TLC. He loves a total restoration project, taking the broken pieces and putting it all back together. He often arrives home and says "now before you see this - remember you have to see it finished" or "you need to look at its potential". This is more like what happens to us - When God looks at us - he knows and sees all the brokenness, all the damage and all the hurts but sees "potential" in us - he longs to put all the broken pieces back together and make something beautiful of our lives. The bible teaches us that we are the workmanship of God's hands - He is our creator.
His love is amazing and sees past the damage and looks at us with gentleness and grace, and patiently waits for us to come to him. He is always ready to respond to us when we call out to Jesus. He longs to bring peace and new life to us.
I remember a time when I had no confidence, my self image was in ruins. I felt trapped and alone. These words were spoken over me "you are damaged goods and no-one else will ever want you" and they haunted me. I was broken inside. On the outside I covered up the pain and tried to make the best of life. But eventually I broke down under the pressure and couldn't keep going. I know everyone has their own story and experiences that have kept us from knowing and discovering who God has created us to be. BUT I praise God it is never to late to run to Jesus. He is the Prince of Peace and the Healer of the broken hearted.
When we call on his name we can be healed, restored and set free. It won't happen overnight, but when we come to him, and talk to him, and trust him and learn more about him - he gently leads us step by step into a new way of life - a new vision for our future and a hope for better days yet to come.
I love this verse in 2 Corinthians chapter 5 verse 1 it says "Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun" I praise God that he has healed me from the inside out and has made me a new person - and He will do the same for you if you will allow him to.
With the furniture - we are limited to what we can do and a few times there has been to much damage and we have had to give up and throw it away. BUT PRAISE GOD - nothing is to difficult for him - all things are possible to our God - The bible says that He will turn no-one away who calls on his name. No matter how difficult your situation and circumstances are, God has a way for you, He is more than able to do exceeding abundantly more than you can ask or even think. Remember he is the creator of ALL things.
I wrote this song quite a few years ago it is sung here by Eilish and Sophie - I hope and pray that it encourages you today. If you haven't already Accepted Jesus and asked him to be your Saviour - you can pray to him today - just where you are and just as you are.
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