Trust God for the Impossible

Did you ever feel trapped or lost?
Have you ever though "how did my life end up like this"?

We often hear people say that if they were to do it all again they would do things differently.  But I have been thinking about this, and have come to the conclusion that if we could go back and start again most of the things in our lives would end up just the same.  Because when we look back we can't always see what or where things actually went wrong, sometimes it was the actions of others and things totally outside of our control that caused our lives to take different directions.  The only thing I can say with confidence is this " If I had learned to TRUST God more things would have had a different outcome".    I say this because although I have had faith in God and believed that He was watching over me, it's only in the last few years I have started to really learn to TRUST him.

About 5 years ago my husband suffered from a physical and mental breakdown, it was quite difficult to watch, but as he started on his road to recovery unfortunately he started to drink quite heavy.  It soon became very exhausting and I felt helpless and hopeless.  I was praying and doing everything I knew to do but it seemed to be getting worse.  Many times I cried out to God that I couldn't take anymore.  I can honestly say that I felt at the end of myself.  My husband was on his own roller coaster as well, he would go from total denial to falling into deep guilt.  We were under great financial pressure as a result so in his own attempt to solve the problem, he decided that he would give all bank cards to me to keep thinking that if he had no money he wouldn't be able to drink.  But this didn't help, there was always someone willing to buy him a drink or lend him the money.  It really looked like it was never going to get any better.

One night I was crying out to God and telling him " Lord, I can't take this anymore, you need to do something"  -  immediately I felt a great sense of grief - as I realised that God had already given his Son, and that Jesus had given everything - I knew in that moment that I had been looking at this situation through the wrong eyes.  I was looking at the problem instead of looking to my heavenly Father.  I realised that I was crying out to God to do something, but I wasn't actually giving the situation to him or even asking what He thought about it.  I was telling God what to do instead of asking Him what I should do.  I felt that he told me to TRUST HIM and to TRUST my husband.  I knew that I had to give the bank cards back to my husband and tell him that I trusted him.  This was extremely difficult (please note:  I only did this because God told me to everything inside me was saying this is a mistake)  My husband was confused, on one hand he was pleased that I loved and trusted him but on the other hand he didn't trust himself.  But I went from believing God to Trusting Him - I felt a strength to do it and a great peace came upon me. At first it looked like it was totally the wrong thing to do - but I kept thanking God for bringing freedom and I kept trusting him.  Through that time, the Holy Spirit was showing me promises from his Word and giving me songs like the one I have recorded for this blog called "You Amaze me".  He had told me to speak and pray only the promises that he showed me. God really did amaze me - because in one day - my husband stopped drinking - he came home from the pub got down on his knees and told me he was sorry and that he was finished.  That was 13 months ago and he hasn't had one drink or even the desire for a drink since.  His whole way of thinking has changed and he has said a number of times that he is amazed.

The lesson that I learned from this is that TRUST is when we take action on our FAITH.  We can sit back and believe and hope and pray that God will answer our prayers somehow someday - or we can ask him to show us how to act on our faith and step out to TRUST him.  Sometimes he will ask us to take some steps of action but most of the time, he will ask us to take him at his word.  He knows where you are, he knows what you need, he knows the way.  At first it can be very difficult to TRUST him because we have been disappointed by people all of our lives and have learned not to trust anyone. But the Holy Spirit will lead us step by step. He is very gentle and kind and loves us so much, that if we fail he will pick us up again and again - if we allow him.

The most amazing thing about TRUSTING God is that he gives us his strength - - I see it like a little child who just lets their daddy pick them up and carry them.  When a child is in the arms of a loving father they feel safe, secure and confident.  Fear and worry melt away.

He has given the Holy Spirit to lead us, to comfort us, to guide us and to teach us, that is why it is important to ask the Holy Spirit to help us.  So I want to encourage you today - if you have a situation that looks like it is hopeless or will never get better - start today to ask the Holy Spirit to help you and show you something new.

You can TRUST Him xx


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