Steps of Faith

Steps of Faith
This week I have started something new - something totally out of my comfort zone. My doctor referred me to a beginners fitness scheme at the local gym. Since having some health problems earlier in the year, the doctors have been keeping a close eye on my bloods etc, and they are really pleased that I am doing so well and have been putting on weight. I give all praise to God for healing me. Although I am really pleased and happy that I am able to eat and enjoy my food and am no longer ill, I really don't want to put on any more weight. My doctor explained that although I am on my feet all day and very active with my job - there are muscles that I am not working. She recommended joining a free scheme at the gym. So I agreed.
At first it seemed a good idea - but then I found myself getting quite anxious as I realised how far out of my comfort zone this was going to be. Going somewhere new, meeting new people, wearing leggings!! I went shopping for the right clothes which was in itself quite difficult for me. I felt very self conscious and quite nervous, seeing the other people running and really working out hard. But It was much easier than I thought it was going to be. The personal trainer explained what to do, and gave me some instructions - and told me to start of slow and that we would build up step by step, working at my own pace.
This made me think about our walk of faith. We can be quite strong in faith in some areas in our lives but there are always more that God wants us to step out into. New areas of faith - new steps of faith. New places, new promises to claim, new heights to climb. But it is so easy to stay within our comfort zones. Stepping out into something new can make us feel nervous and afraid. But God wants so much more for us. He is very patient and gentle with us. Leading us step by step, little by little - at our own pace. We can trust him to lead us to the right places and prepare the best paths for us to walk in. And even if we fail or fall - he gently pick us up again. Like a little child learning to walk.
If you are feeling you are ready to take a new step with God or to step out in faith about something I encourage you today to go for it. You can trust God to be there with you. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you.
Maybe you would like to give your testimony more or maybe you need healing in your body or mind or a financial miracle. Jesus said that with man it is impossible but with God ALL things are possible.
Faith starts with God's Word. As we receive his promises and his word into our hearts - faith rises and as faith rises we will step forward by trusting Him.
Like me at the gym - I was walking slowly on the treadmill while others around me where jogging and some running - BUT that was ok - I was going at my own pace. So I say to you today, don't worry about what others are doing around you, it might seem that they have more faith or know more scriptures etc - but as long as you are going at your own pace. That's what pleases God. He will respond to your step of faith and your trust in him. As long as you keep moving, little by little, step by step.
This is a song I wrote some years back, it was a comfort to me and let me know that God had a plan for my life. So I hope it encourages you today, that you can trust God completely, you are not a disappointment to him, he is not surprised with any of the problems in your life - he has a plan and purpose for you and wants you to discover more - step by step. ( Just click on the link to listen.)
Jesus Saw something in you worth dying for
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