Time to Recover

This last week, my little kitten has been recovering from an operation, she is usually full of life and bursting with energy and wants to be in the middle of everything. But she has had to be content to rest. We thought she would be quite frustrated and would fight having to wear the collar but she has been very good. The first couple of days, while she was still very tender and still sleepy from the anesthetic, we were playing soft healing music to her and praying over her. And we have been amazed at how contented and peaceful she has been. This made me think of how we are sometimes, when our bodies need rest and we need time to recover, but it can be very difficult to just simply REST. Whether we feel like we should be doing something or our minds are racing - it can be very difficult to rest properly. Even if we have had a cold or flu we don't always take sufficient time to rest, because of work or family commitments etc. It seems like its impo...