Key Promises

2 Corinthians 1:20.  Tells us that all God's promises are yes and amen.  This means that every promise in the Bible has been made available to every Child of God through Jesus Christ.  Jesus bought and paid for everything with his body and blood on the cross.  This is great news for the children of God - some say that there are over 3000 promises in the bible.  BUT when it comes to standing on his promises regarding our specific situations - Where do we start?  Can we just pick any promise?

I believe that in every single situation that we will ever find ourselves in, is an opportunity for our Heavenly Father and our Great Shepherd to reveal something new to us.  I believe that God has the 'key' to open up every situation.  Because He knows all things we can trust in him to show us the best way and the best promise for each and every situation.

The Bible teaches us that the Sword of the Spirit is the Word of God - but it also teaches us to be led by His Holy Spirit.  Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would come and dwell in us and teach us all things.  Can you imagine taking a sword in your hand and running into the battle just swinging aimlessly like a mad person?  You would soon get very weary and tired.  This is the picture that the Holy Spirit has given me - of his children going into battle with the enemy - swinging the Word of God about - just any promise that comes to mind.  He has shown me how quickly his children are becoming disheartened, discouraged and very weary and many have given up.  But this is not what God has planned for us.  Rather he wants us to come to him, submit to him, acknowledge him and allow him to show us the exact promise that will bring us the victory.

 The bible teaches us that they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall rise up on wings like eagles, they will run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint.  Now imagine - a warrior who has heard from their King and then goes into the battle knowing exactly the target he needs to aim at.  He walks boldly past everything else and lifts his sword and brings it down on the exact target and the battle is over.

I believe that although all God's promises are yes and amen, they are all available to us, and we can believe them all - God wants us to go deeper.  He wants to give us insight and revelation into the promise, He wants to make it personal to you and to your situation.

I see this happening when we hear testimonies of what God has done for other people, we think 'Oh, I will try doing what they did and maybe God will do the same thing for me'  and although it is true that God is no respecter of persons, most people miss the point of the testimony.  In every testimony if you listen carefully you will notice that the person prayed - God told them something - they did it - then God worked a miracle for them.  This is the same every time - and this is really the testimony.

I am growing in this revelation, that it is better for me to wait on the Lord and keep worshiping him until he brings a promise to me and not be to quick to start praying in my own understanding.  I know when the promise comes to me - because it comes with a joy, a strength and a confidence. And it changes my perspective on the situation - I go from feeling the pressure to knowing that All is Well.

  How we hear from God is going to be different to each person.  So I can't tell you how God will speak to you, but I can tell you that if you will draw aside and spend time worshiping and reading your bible and listening for him - he will come and show you something new.  He can take a promise that you already know or haven't seen before and make it come alive to you and in you.  He will enable you to swing that Word of God, the Sword of the Spirit and you will not miss the target.

Another picture the Holy Spirit gave me is someone standing at a door holding a large bunch of keys in their hand.  Are they going to panic and start trying every key?-  Are they going to ask the Holy Spirit to show them which one?  Acting in peace works every time.

God's grace is sufficient or enough for you, when we give him our weakness he gives us his strength.  I encourage you today that you can hear from God, you can receive his strength today - if you will let him.

A few years ago, my husband took a breakdown and was on strong anti-depressants plus he had a drinking problem.  Every one knows that this is a very bad combination.  It was difficult for me to watch him and to deal with all the other added problems.  I was crying to God and shouting at the devil and basically exhausted and not getting anyway.  Then one day it felt like the Holy Spirit took me by the shoulders and looked right into my eyes and said 'Audrey, what more do you want me to do? Was my sacrifice not enough for you?'  I was shaken, I suddenly could see that I was so wrong and started to repent.  He revealed to me that if I would pray and confess ONLY what HE told me, I would see change.  So from that moment I did and I saw things change within days. He gave me insight and revelation on a few  'key' promises.  My husband came of the medication and he has been free from the drink problem for 1 full year at this date. ALL PRAISE to GOD.

Today I recorded this little song that the Holy Spirit gave me - it is not a professional recording - and it is not designed to be impressive - but a simple reminder of the childlike faith - that God desires us to have and experience.  God Bless you today and may you know his grace and peace multiplied to you xx Audrey


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