The Greatest Treasure

The Greatest Treasure

In my business, restoring and selling Antique furniture, we meet so many people, who are looking to sell to us.  It is the part of our business that we find quite difficult.  Because most of the people we meet are having to sell, because their parents have had to go into care or have passed away and their homes and everything in them are being sold.  Its quite a sad thing to go into someone's house and know that that person has worked hard all their life, and looked after and cherished their possessions, precious gifts from loved ones and sometimes furniture that was passed down to them.  Now the family has no room, because they have their own homes filled with their own possessions and now that piece that their mother or father treasured is only worth a fraction of what it originally cost.

It always makes me think of the real treasures in life.  And I hear the same question from people all the time "What was it all for, they couldn't take it with them".

The Bible tells us about the streets of gold and the precious jewels in heaven, and I have heard preachers say because God is so rich that he uses gold like we use concrete.  I don't feel like this, rather I feel that gold and silver and precious jewels loses all value in the beauty and majesty of our God and yet everything in his presence is made to be beautiful and precious.

As we look around our homes today, we can be very grateful to God for what we have, whether it is more or less.  But the greatest treasure is within us.  The Peace of God in these days is the most costly possession we can possess.  To know that God loves us and to know that we belong to Jesus and that our sins are forgiven, and that we will see him face to face, has always been and always will be the greatest treasure.  To know that he is with us and will never leave us nor forsake us.  To know that in the time of trouble he is a very present help.

It is the greatest treasure to be able to talk to the only true Living God and call him "Abba, Father"  which means "Daddy God".  This is the beauty of having a personal relationship with our creator God, rather than following religious rituals which are fleeting and have no real lasting peace or comfort. Do you have that personal relationship with him?

I have just recorded these 2 beautiful old songs, they may be old but they are still very true.
Will you take time today to say  "I love you Father, I love you Lord Jesus, and I love you Holy Spirit"  Thank you for all you have done for me, Thank you for keeping me, Thank you for healing me, Thank you for loving me.  You are my greatest treasure.

Maybe you don't know him as your "Daddy God" or have never accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord.  Maybe you have been wondering what is this life all about? Please know this that Jesus Loves you and he is waiting for you to talk to him, he will not turn you away.  I have included a simple prayer at the end of this page to guide you, it is not the prayer itself that saves us but when we believe in our hearts and confess with our mouths that God raised Jesus from the dead we shall be saved, we receive his gift of grace through faith, the prayer is only to help you and guide you what to say, or if you know someone who loves Jesus - contact them today and ask them to pray with you.


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