The Prince of Peace

For He is the Prince of Peace
And He dwells within my heart
The Living Word, The Great I AM
The Holy One

He is with me everyday
And He leads me all the way
Through the Fire and Through the Flood
He's made a way

Over the last few weeks, I have had the privilege and joy to share my testimony with new people that I have  met through my work.  As they have poured out their heart to me, I have been able to share what God has brought me through and encourage them that He loves them and wants them to experience his love for themselves.

I get the same response every time, they all have said to me "but You are so peaceful".  They are surprised and have all made the comment  "You must be a very strong person".

This song really explains where the strength and peace comes from.  I wrote this a few years ago, and it is something I remind myself and meditate on daily.  That Jesus is My Prince of Peace and He is within me, He never leaves me nor forsakes me.  

He alone has been my comfort in times when I felt alone and didn't know what way to turn.  He alone has been my strength, when I felt weak and useless.  He alone has been my guide through the trials and storms.  He alone is my Peace.

Love and Encouragement from friends and family is great and very precious and it is very much appreciated and I praise God for great friends and family.  But there is nothing compares to the joy that comes from knowing that the Prince of Peace is with me.  

You see, we can have great people around us, and they can do their best to help us but they can't give us what we really desire - Peace in our mind, Peace in our body and Peace in our heart.  

There is only one way to receive real Peace and that is to receive the Prince of Peace.  I have been born again for many years, yet it is only in recent years that I am discovering how to really receive and experience His Peace.  I was always asking for Peace, and asking for his help. I was struggling when I didn't need to.  But then the Holy Spirit showed me that His Peace was a gift which has already been given and that I had to receive it.  

John 14 v 27 Jesus said "I am leaving you with a gift - peace of mind and heart.  And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give.  So don't be troubled or afraid."

Do you need more peace?  Ask the Holy Spirit to help you receive the gift that Jesus has given to you, by meditating and believing John 14 v 27. 

We  received Jesus as Lord and Saviour, by grace through faith, and by believing in our heart and confessing with our mouths that Jesus is the Son of God and that God raised him from the dead.  So now that we are the children of God, we can receive his Peace the same way by grace through faith, by believing John 14 v 27 in our hearts and confessing it with our mouths, until revelation light breaks through.

The Hebrew word for Peace is Shalom.  This is a beautiful word with such a depth of meaning, that is lost in our language today.  In the Bible, the word Shalom is most commonly used to refer to a state of affairs, one of well being, tranquility, prosperity, and security, circumstances unblemished by any sort of defect.  Shalom is a blessing, a manifestation of divine grace.  

This Shalom Peace - within us enables us to say "All is Well" regardless of what is going on around us, because we know that the Living Word is working mightily in us and for us.  We do not need to defend the Word of God - But rather the Word of God is our defense.  With the Word of God we can stand against any problem and declare that the Greater One is in us and with God all things are possible.  We can declare "God is for me , so who can be against me".  We can rest in the truth that What God has blessed no one can curse.  We can find comfort that we are forgiven.  We can rejoice that He has a good plan for our lives.  

There are so many great and precious promises to discover, but we don't have to wait till we get to heaven to enter the promised land and begin to take possession and experience the blessing and promises God has given to us through Jesus Christ our Lord.  By the help of the Holy Spirit we can enter in here and now - it is never to late.  The Holy Spirit is waiting for you to ask him to help you to receive.

Remember that this is a gift to every child of God  and in his peace there is healing, deliverance, joy and strength for every situation.

As he has made a way for me - I know he has made a way for you also.  I pray that you will be able to receive more revelation of this precious Gift that belongs to you.  I pray in Jesus Name that as you listen to the words of this song that these words of truth will destroy the heavy burdens holding you down and the lies and false words spoken over you will be destroyed and released from your mind, your body and your heart.  Amen.  xx  


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