Sweet Words of Hope

Sweet Words of Hope

Proverbs ch.25v 11 "A Word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver"

I realised a few years ago that I was speaking words over my life that weren't producing good fruit.  I wrote this song as a prayer. Because I knew I needed the Holy Spirit's help to change my thinking and to renew my mind so that the words I was speaking would change.  Because Jesus said that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks (Matthew 12v34) I understood that if I wanted to speak the Words of Life and Blessing I would first need my thinking and believing to be in line and in agreement with God's thoughts and his ways, through his Word.

So many times we can find ourselves just speaking mindlessly, not really thinking about what we are saying or choosing our words carefully.  Many times its nothing more than a bad habit.  There are many examples of 'common statements or figures of speech' that people make without thinking about what they really mean.

The other day, I heard my husband say "My eyesight is getting worse" "I can't see a thing" -

 He wasn't even really talking to me - He was just thinking out loud.  But I asked him "Are you blind?"

He answered me "of course I'm not blind"

I asked him - "do you want to go blind?

He said "of course not"

I replied "Someone who can't see a thing is someone who is blind"

At this stage he was getting a little bit annoyed with me and he replied "You know what I meant - It's just a figure of speech"

I said "Well, if you don't want to go blind, you can find a better way to say it, like - I find it difficult to see small detail in poor light"

He started to laugh and said "well, that's what I really meant"

You see this may seem harmless, but the principal is true for every situation.

The words that others speak over us can be very hurtful and cause us great distress, whether the person was meaning to or not.  BUT the words that we speak over ourselves do much more serious and long term damage - its damage we don't see right away, so its not easy to recognise the fruit it produces.

There was a more serious situation in my own life where I was praying and crying to God to change things and one day as I was crying out "God, I can't take anymore of this, I need this situation to change"  I felt that the Holy Spirit put his hands on my shoulders and looked right into my face and said "Was the work Jesus accomplished on the cross NOT enough for you" I was shaken to my very core and quickly repented of my foolishness and my unbelief.  Then I heard these words "Speak ONLY what I have said about this and you will see it change"

From that moment I discovered a new way of thinking and I am learning more each day how to search for the scriptures regarding every situation and then ONLY speak and pray in agreement and according to God's Word.  I have seen many situations change, some very quickly and some bit by bit - you see I have realised that some scriptures I can receive very quickly so therefore change comes quickly and sometimes I have to meditate, speak and pray for longer before I really receive it fully, hence why it takes longer for the change to come.  This is called renewing your mind by the Word of God as taught in Romans ch. 12.

This is how I do it, maybe this will help you to find a way that will work for you.  First I say "Lord I choose your way in this situation, I accept your way and your will, show me and teach me how to think and act" sometimes I will just have a scripture come to my mind, or if not then I use google search to look for all the scriptures regarding that particular situation - for example I will type "scriptures about healing"

I read over the scriptures, then I write the scriptures in a note book, that seem to stand out more than others.  Then I read over them and there will be maybe 3 or 4 that seem to speak more clearer, so I then read them over and over, I will read the whole chapter to find out what context the verse is in then I meditate upon them, I speak them, I pray them and I ask the Holy Spirit to open them up to me and give me revelation truth and light in my spirit and in my understanding.  I keep going until it really comes alive in me.

God's love and grace abounds to us and is greater and stronger than the hurts and damage that has been caused in our past.  Jesus is the Healer of the those whose hearts have been broken.  He longs to heal and restore us from the inside out.  He wants us to be free from every bondage of our past, he wants us to walk free from the fear of the future.  He wants to give us a hope for the future.  He has spoken over us, sweet words of hope, words of peace, words of healing and deliverance, and miracles happen when we receive his words and his strength through the knowledge of him and his thoughts through his Word, the scriptures.

I found these pictures on Pinterest, I hope they help you to remember that your Words are bringing forth fruit.
As we are told in Proverbs ch 18 v 21 "Death and life are in the power of the tongue; and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof".


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