Whispers Of Grace

Whispers of Grace Teaching and Outreach Ministry God is still speaking, this is what I heard in my spirit on 15th December 2021 :- There is an anointing for ministry that comes through the laying on of hands because it is a point of contact AND an act of faith. But many have not understood that when you put your hands on someone you touch their ‘personal space’ therefore you need the legal authority of heaven and the permission of the person to lay hands on anyone. That legal authority comes from my kingdom and my Word alone. Without your personal contact with me – which is living holy and in my presence through Grace and Truth and allowing my Word to dwell in you. You cannot be a ‘fit vessel’ or ‘Legal vessel’ for miracle power. The miracle is NOT released by laying on of hands the miracle is released by the faith in the one who is living in you. When your hands become my hands, then and only then can true...