Healing in Brokenness

This Verse from 2 Corinthians is often quoted but unfortunately it's truth is all to often missed.

'My Grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness'

I love to read the King James Bible, but sometimes I like to see how other translations write - I like this version from the Passion Translation it puts it this way   'God answered  "My grace is always more than enough for you, and my power finds its full expression through your weakness" (Paul responds) So I will celebrate my weaknesses, for when I'm weak I sense more deeply the mighty power of Christ living in me.'

 I want to share with you this song that I wrote last year when I had suffered nerve damage in my hand and was in recovery.  I could tell you about how bad the pain was and how difficult a time it was but rather I want to tell you through the song about the treasure of God's sweet presence that I discovered during that time.  The pain is now a distant memory but the sweetness of God's presence and truth has only grown and increased within me.

But years ago I had an another accident  - I fell backwards down wet steps and damaged a nerve in my lower back, plus they discovered that I had a curved spine and that this new damage would only make things worse and to expect to be in a wheelchair eventually.   The years following I began to suffer different pains and weakness in my body.  The Doctors called it 'Fibromyalgia'.  They gave me a leaflet explaining all about it.  The first thing I noticed was that the word 'Myalgia' means pain.  So I thought to myself this is a Spirit of Pain with a fancy name that would have to go in Jesus Name. I began to do some research.  I found that many times sicknesses and things like 'Fibromyalgia' come after a 'painful trauma'.  We all have what is called a pain threshold, I'm sure you have heard of it before.  This Threshold can be knocked of its natural level by trauma.  If you suffer extreme pain (physical or emotional) that is greater than your natural threshold - it causes something to happen in your brain that sets of a new trigger - that wasn't there before.

I remember after that accident - if I simply fell over or tripped - I immediately felt like I was going to pass out.  If I caught my hand or leg on something I would have to count to 10.  Even if someone touched me it felt like they had thumped me hard.  This lasted a number of years because I didn't know how to receive healing -  BUT Praise God - one Sunday morning while we were in church worshiping and singing a song called "My chains are gone"  I was healed.  I felt myself taller and straighten up.  Now I restore furniture for a living and my husband jokes that I am as good as a man at lifting the heavy pieces.  I am on my feet all day and enjoy my work with no pain.  All Praise To Jesus my Healer.

You see at that time - I didn't understand the depth of the Grace of God - or how his strength could be made perfect in my weakness.  I was praying for God to heal me - I was praying for his help - but I didn't know how to enter into it.  I believed God's promises and I believed he could heal me, but mostly I was just fighting each day just to get through that day.

The only way I can describe it is like this -  Most of my life  I was thinking that Jesus was my anchor in the storm - that He wouldn't let me be totally destroyed - that someday somehow I would make it through to a better place.  BUT NOW I see that Jesus IS the Peace in the storm right NOW - oh the difference that this makes.  As one preacher said - It is better felt than tell't -

The bible says in 1 Timothy 2 verse 4  that God desires all men to be saved AND to come to the knowledge of the truth.

I thank God it is his desire that all men and women - would be saved - I thank God that Jesus will turn no-one away who calls on his name.  AND praise God that it is his desire that we ALSO come to the knowledge of the truth.  Calling on Jesus and acknowledging him to be the Son of God and repenting from our sin and being saved - is the 1st step - there is so much more - so much treasure to discover - the truth of how he - loves us - delivers us - sets us free - heals us - sustains us - teaches us - leads us - dwells with us - carries us - protects us and so much more.

Men will fail us - religion will fail us - men's teachings and doctrines will fail us -  we will even fail ourselves - but the TRUTH of God's Word will never fail. We must never stop seeking, learning and discovering more and more of his Amazing Grace.  Be encouraged today - and know that 'His Grace is more than enough for you' if you will allow him and welcome him into every situation.



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