God's Divine Prescription

I'm pretty sure everyone reading this understands what it is like to go to a doctors appointment and come out with a prescription. The doctor makes the 'prescription' specifically for us and not only gives the name of the medication, but the dosage and the instructions for taking it.
Imagine if you went to your doctor today and they gave you a prescription, you took the prescription to the chemist, collected the medication went home and just took one tablet - and said 'nothing has happened - these tablets don't work' and didn't take anymore. If you went back to the doctor next week and said I still have the pain - the first thing they would want to know is if you took the medication.
This reminds me of when my kids were younger, they thought that a spoonful of medicine should work immediately. It was very difficult to get them to take it and then 2 mins later they would say 'mum, this medicine isn't working'. I would have to explain that they needed to give it time and they needed to finish the course. They just wanted to take it one time and then for it to work like magic.
I wonder if we are like this with God and his Word in our lives?
Have you ever thought that God would have a 'specific prescription' from his word just for you and for your specific situations?
Medication comes with written advice, on what this medication is for, how to store it, how to take it, a list of side effects etc. Most of the time we trust the doctors opinion and advice, because they are the experts. The advice will be to take 1 tablet 3 times a day or something similar and we will have to get into the habit and discipline to remember to take it as advised.
What would happen if we took the same attitude and action with God's Word?
You see the doctors do their best to treat our bodies - but God wants to heal and restore our soul and body. The Bible is full of God the Creator's advise - and is bursting with great and mighty promises to his children. But life can be so busy and it is so easy just to quickly read a daily reading or a chapter and think that's my bible reading done and move quickly into the stress of daily life. I hear so many people say that they find it so difficult to read their bible, that they read something and then 2 mins later they forget what they have just read, just like putting a sticky plaster over a cut and then it just falls of. They feel it is a waste of time, that it isn't doing them any good. But if we think about it, if we had a headache and took a pain killer we would know that it will take time to be absorbed into our bodies to take effect. Likewise, when we read the bible, we need to digest it and let it work in us.
Instead of rushing away, take a few minutes to read a verse or a short passage and read it over a few times, maybe write it out in a journal and think about it meditate on it - asking the Holy Spirit to help you to understand it. Like a doctor would suggest starting on a low dose and then increasing - God is like that - he wants to lead us step by step and little by little. It is better to take one promise and let it work in us - than trying to read a whole chapter and get nothing from it. Because God wants to reveal himself to us, he wants to strengthen us and teach us to trust him in everything that concerns our lives. He is interested in every area of our life. He has specific promises for you. He has a divine prescription for you.
A little while ago I met a lovely christian lady who has been saved for many years, although she has been a faithful church attender and active member of her church. She has only recently discovered the scriptures concerning healing. She had never heard them taught and didn't know that God wanted her to live in peace. She had been going through a very dark time of depression, after we had talked and prayed with her, she received a great release and healing. Some time later she rang me for prayer - she had forgotten to take her medication, because she was so busy with other things outside her usual routine - and had fallen the next day and hurt her hip. She knew that it was because she had missed her medication that she needed to help regulate her insulin level. She was saying that she was finding it very difficult to read the bible and to pray. As we were talking, I felt the Holy Spirit impress on me to suggest that she take a sticky label and write out a healing promise and stick it on her medication bottle. Then every time she takes her medication she will be reminded of the healing promise. A few months later she rang me, she told me how she hadn't done what I had suggested, that she is always meaning to but has never got round to actually doing it yet. She said that she hadn't been reading the healing promises or scriptures and that she knows she should do. We prayed and I encouraged her again to ask the Holy Spirit to help her. I'm using this as an example, of how we can run throughout life distracted and busy and miss what God has given to us.
The Bible says that 'those who find it' talking about the word of God - 'it' the Word is healing and health to our bodies. I can give you a list of promises - but that's not the same as you 'finding' them. The Bible teaches that if we seek him we will find him, and that Jesus will turn no-one away who calls upon his name. I think as Christians we think that if God wants to tell us or show us something that he will find us. I thank God that he is so gracious, loving and patient with us that he does send us encouragement and speaks to us in many different ways. But there is something really special about when we 'find' him - we could be reading something and a verse will seem to stick out - more than the rest - maybe you will find yourself reading it again and again, or maybe a scripture or song is in your head and it somehow is drawing you. At first you might not understand what it means. But if you will simply treat it like a diamond or precious jewel and think upon it and ask the Holy Spirit to help you receive it into your heart. You will find that the Bible is full of treasure just for you. You will find yourself growing and a peace coming into your soul.
I encourage you today to continue or start a new routine of taking the Word of God like a prescription. And remember if you miss a day - just start again. If you don't know where to start, simply take a few moments on your own and just thank God for who he is, thank Jesus for what he has done for you and thank the Holy Spirit for helping you and ask him to come and teach you.
example prayer points -
* Father God, I thank you that you are the God of all Creation, I thank you for loving me.
* Lord Jesus, I thank you for loving me and giving your life to save me.
* Holy Spirit I thank you for teaching me.
* Father I believe you are the only true God.
* Lord Jesus I believe you are the Son of God.
* Holy Spirit I ask you to help me to understand.
* Holy Spirit come and teach me how to live my life and show me the Father's Divine Prescription for my life."
Here's another song I have written - it reminds me of the importance of taking time to be still and acknowledging how Amazing God is and how amazing his creation is. I hope you enjoy it. Please feel free to pass this blog to others.
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