Focus in the Storm

Recently I was given reading glasses, and at first I found them difficult to get used to, but then I found they really did magnify the text and helped me to focus on what I was reading more clearly, but when I stood up to move about I was disoriented and out of focus, and quickly learnt to take them of because they were only meant for reading and not for anything else.  

The Holy Spirit began to speak to me about this and reveal how we cannot read the bible with faith and then like reading glasses set faith aside while we get up and about life.  We must live in faith continually.  He started to show me how focused we can become on an evil or negative report and then when we try to get up and move forward we become disoriented and can't focus.

Let me explain it this way, usually we only need reading glasses to read 'small print' we have no problem reading larger print in good light.  When it comes to 'faith'  the question is what is the small print?  Is the evil and negative report the small print or is the Word of God the small print?  

When we receive an evil or negative report it usually comes with evidence - take for example a report or diagnosis from a Doctor - they are giving you their report based on the evidence that they see.  It can seen 'large' and in most cases impossible.  And we can struggle to find out what God says in the matter and it seems like we are then looking for and trying to focus on the 'small print' God's Word. BUT the truth is that our God is bigger and greater - the truth is that the evil report is actually the small print.

The good news of the Gospel is that Jesus not only took your place on the cross so that you could be saved and go to heaven but he also took all the sin, shame, pain, sickness, disease, poverty and everything that would ever try to steal, kill or destroy your life here on this earth.  His plan for your life is much greater than anything else.

There is a conversation going on over your soul - the enemy is saying 'look, this is an impossible situation, this is an incurable disease, you might as well give up'  but Jesus who is at the right hand of the Father making intercession for us is saying 'Father, She is mine, He is mine - I took this disease upon my own body and it died with me on the cross the price is paid in full - She is covered, He is covered with my blood, look see the garments of salvation and the robes of righteousness that cover them - look at the stripes on my back - I call them healed, delivered, free, accepted and loved'

The Father leans forward with great expectation and sorrow at the same time and says to us - which do YOU choose?  Blessing or Cursing ? and with anticipation adds 'choose you this day Blessing' - and waits.... for our response.

Whose report will you believe?  

At this time you might say, but I don't have great faith - it's ok for others they have great faith - but I am weak and weary.  I want to choose blessing, I want to believe, I just don't know how.

The bible teaches us that faith works through love.  Most of the time we think we need more faith, but actually all we need is to know how much God loves us.  God doesn't give us sickness and trouble to teach us a lesson etc - this is a lie from dead faithless religion.  God sent his only Son to die for you, and he thought it good to gather up all the sin and sicknesses and put it on his Son to be crucified with him - because He so loved you.  

We receive salvation when we believed in our hearts and confessed with our mouths that Jesus Christ is Lord.  We received this free gift of Grace through Faith. We cannot change ourselves, but as we walk with him and learn more about him we were and are changed.  This is the same with every aspect of our life - Choose to believe today that Jesus IS your Healer, He IS your Redeemer - not that he is going to be but that HE IS.  Confess with your mouth I AM HEALED, I AM LOVED, I AM ACCEPTED, I AM DELIVERED, I AM FREE all because of JESUS my Lord.  At first we might not see any outward change - BUT HE WILL BE AT WORK - and soon you will see the evidence turned around.  


When we are in the midst of a storm or trouble - we don't look down to find God - we look up - the problem may be all around us but God is greater. Think about how big the earth seems to us as we look around us - but then when we see it in its place in the vast universe - it is just a spec.  And God is greater then the universe.  This is how the problem in your life is in comparison to your God.  Look up today and receive a new revelation of how much God loves you.

I recorded playing and singing this song 4 weeks after I received the Doctors diagnosis that the nerve damage in my left hand would take months of physio and that it could be a year or more before I could think about playing the piano properly and may never have full sensation again.  I didn't deny the Doctors report I did everything they told me to do and more - I didn't focus on their report I choose to focus on the report of God's Word - I had no strength of my own - I had no great faith - I just fell into His Loving Arms and Let Him Work a Miracle in me.

As you listen to this I pray that you will know the touch of the Master's Hand touching you and everything that concerns you today.  And you will will be able to enter into his rest and peace. You are Loved, You are Chosen, You are Welcomed into His presence.  Receive His Peace which He has freely given to you it is yours in Christ Jesus xx Audrey


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