What do you do when your need healing?

What do you do when you need healing?

Over the last couple of years, my journey with God my heavenly Father, has been very exciting to me, I have fallen in love with His Word, His presence and His Peace.  I never want to be one second without being aware of Him.  I started to discover how we as Children of God have the right and authority to speak to the "mountain" - (anything that is standing in our way). 

 In February of 2018, I had an accident with a broken glass which cut right into the center of the inside of my left hand.  It cut into the nerve stem for my 2 middle fingers.  Needless to say it was very painful, the specialists told me they would have to do a nerve repair, but that it would take months of physio and probably be well over a year before I would have full use of my hand, and maybe never have full sensation in my fingers.  NOW - this was not good news, especially as I am a worship leader and play the piano.  After the surgery I was in a lot of pain and was sick for a week because of the operation and painkillers etc.  BUT  the worse thing for me was the thought that I would not be able to play the piano.

You see I knew from a very young age that I was going to play the piano and lead worship, I had a dream and vision inside me from as far back as I can remember, as a young child of 3 years old I gave my life to Jesus.  I have always loved to be in the presence of the Lord, whether at church, prayer meetings or just when my parents prayed at home.  It felt like the 'devil' was laughing in my ear and saying - this is it - this will shut you up.  The first week after the surgery I went to church, determined to lead worship as usual - because I strongly believe that God is worthy of all praise and worship and that He never changes - even if everything else changes -  I had learned many years ago to just keep worshiping Him no matter what.  My hand was bandaged up, so with one hand I led the worship - was it easy - NO - it was very difficult, I was very emotional because of the pain, and the words of the doctors ringing in my ears.  But something happened to me through that time of worship - a strength and boldness rose up inside me - it was greater than me - but I knew that many times before in my life I had let go and settled for less than God's best for me - but this was one thing I was not going to back down or let go until I had the Victory in Jesus.

  I began from that day to speak to my hand - I began to worship and thank God that he had already healed me. All throughout the day I was singing "I am healed by the Word of God".  Every morning before I got out of bed I talked to the wound and told it that it was healing perfectly, I commanded the tissue to stay soft and declared that there would be no infection, and that the nerve was growing.  The surgeon had told me to go to the clinic 10 days after the surgery to get the dressing changed.  So I arrived at the clinic and the nurse was quite cross, because she thought that 10 days was to long to leave a wound and that it could be infected by this stage - BUT when she removed the bandages and dressing there was no infection and she couldn't believe how clean the wound was - there were 10 stitches - it was red and still had some healing to do but I just thanked God that there was no infection and just kept on doing the same thing everyday.  I played the piano and worshiped my Heavenly Father everyday using one hand, after week 2,  I had a smaller bandage on which freed up my thumb so I started to use my thumb when I was playing,  by the next week I was able to use my little finger and thumb. God is so Good.

 Then after 4 weeks, I attended the outpatients where the doctor was really pleased with the progress.  They did some physio and measured the limited movements etc.  They sent me home with some exercises.  I did everything they said to do plus more - I kept worshiping God and playing the piano for about 2 hours everyday.  By the next appointment the doctor was really surprised - Praise God - I had full movement again and the wound had healed without any scar tissue.  They did a test of hot and cold and said that the nerve had grown almost half way.  But the best news of all - they said I didn't need to come back so they discharged me.

  I learned how to take God at his Word - and that I had to do what I could do and let him do the rest.  I still have a scar - but every time I see it, my heart jumps for joy and thankfulness at what God did for me.  

Recently I received a bad report from my doctor about an internal issue - test results showed that I had extremely high levels of inflammation. So over a period of 6 months of different tests and waiting on results and feeling the symptoms etc. I had to set myself to do the very same thing again - Worshiping God and thanking him for healing me - and speaking to my body.  I spoke healing scriptures over myself everyday.   Was it easy?  no, but I knew it was better than being afraid or worried.  There were days when I felt very weak with no energy so I would just rest and take the opportunity to listen to some good teaching on healing and testimonies.  I just kept feasting on God's precious Word.  I only told a few close friends who I knew would pray in agreement with me, and wouldn't speak fear filled or negative words over me.  Faith and boldness was growing and I was getting stronger everyday and I waited patiently to hear good news.  Last week Good news did come - Praise God.  The inflammation is almost gone, without any medication - so ALL praise to my Jesus, My Healer, My Saviour, My Prince of Peace and to Almighty God my heavenly Father.

On one of my 'bad' days - instead of getting stressed and anxious I decided I would record myself reading and sharing my bible study,  just using my phone - at first I didn't want anyone else to see it because I don't look at my best, but now I want to share it because even at our weakest times and darkest moments our Heavenly Father remains faithful and mighty to heal and to deliver. 

I hope you are encouraged today to hold unto God's promises and run to him and worship him - no matter what you face in your own life - There is Help, Hope and Love for you in your Heavenly Father.
Never give up or settle for less.  God Bless You today - Love Audrey


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