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Introduction to the Study of the book of Hebrews



Study of the Book of Hebrews - Understanding the New and Living Way

What is the Old Testament?  What is the New Testament?

Why is it important to understand the difference or to discern between the Old and the New?

Note of Interest 

There are 66 Books in the Bible.  39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament.

The Word Testament means:

1 - a person's will, especially the part relating to personal property.

2-  something that serves as a sign or evidence of a specified fact, event or quality.

Cambridge Dictionary says Testament is proof something exists or is true - a Will that someone makes, saying what should be done with their money and property after they die.

Will and Testament definition - A will or testament is a legal document that expresses a person's wishes as to how their property is to be distributed after their death and as to which person is to manage the property until it's final distribution.

The Bible is God's written Will and Testament to us - so we can understand his will and what belongs to him and therefore to know what He wants us to do with it.

The Earth is the Lords and everything in it. Psalm 24 v 1. 

When we consider that the Earth and everything in it is God's Estate, that is His property, and that The Bible is His written Word or Will, which reveals to us His plans and His ways, we will be able to understand the Bible more and more.  

At all times we must seek to understand that the Bible is a Kingdom Book NOT a Religious Book.  

Sometimes, the term Old Covenant and New Covenant is used but this is the same as Old Testament and New Testament.

A simple way to remember is the Old Covenant or Old Testament is the Dispensation of the Law.  The New Testament or New Covenant is the Dispensation of Grace, the New and Living Way.

  • Note:  In the Bible, a dispensation is a unique administration, a stage in the outworking of God’s plan throughout history, during which MAN IS TESTED IN RESPECT OF OBEDIENCE to a specific revelation of the will of God.

The dispensation of the Old Covenant - was when men were under the Law of Moses which revealed - Condemnation.

The dispensation of the New Covenant - is now - when men are under Grace through Jesus Christ which brings - Reconciliation (Acceptance and Adoption).

Because the Old Testament is a pattern or a picture of that which was to come - The New and Living Way - there are many principles that are the same.

for example:   
 The heart and nature of God - Psalm 100 v 5 - For the LORD is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation.
 The heart and nature of man - Jeremiah 17 v 9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

So this is why we must seek to understand both the Old and the New.  So we can enter into a deeper understanding of why Jesus came, who Jesus is and what he has done and what he has provided for us.

The Old explains much about the New - BUT - the New completes or fulfils the Old. 

Some Notes on the Book of Hebrews

It was most likely written AD 64-69

Some believe Paul was the author, some believe Barnabas or Apollos.  However, what we do know for sure is that they all worked and travelled together.  Therefore they were all in unity.  The most important thing to remember is that they were inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Hebrews was written to a Jewish Christian Community.  But this provides us with an insight to Jewish traditions and rituals.  Helping us to understand the deeper meanings of the Old Covenant, which enables us to understand the New Covenant more deeply. 

Hebrews is clearly laying out that Jesus is both the divine Son of God and at the same time completely human, and in his priestly role, he became the way for human beings to approach the Father in Heaven.

The Priesthood of Jesus is superior to the Old Testament priesthood of Aaron, because ONLY through Jesus do we receive eternal salvation.  Furthermore Jesus is the permanent and perfect High Priest, going beyond all other priests by offering himself as the sinless sacrifice on behalf of the sins of all men.

Throughout it's pages, Hebrews makes it very clear that Jesus Christ exceeds all other people, pursuits, objects or hopes to which human beings offer allegiance.  Hebrews declares Jesus as higher or superior than the angels.  And He alone brings real Hope and Life to humanity through His Sacrifice, offering a better hope than the Law of Moses could ever promise.

Jesus is indeed superior to all others.

His perfect sacrifice for our sins was superior to the continual sacrifice of bulls and goats.

This message was important to the Jewish Christians, who where being persecuted at that time by Nero, and some were considering moving back to the Mosaic Law (the Old Covenant).  But Hebrews makes it clear to the believers that, though they were faced with suffering and persecution, they were indeed following a better way and they should persevere.

This is the message to us today.  Jesus is superior. His New and Living Way is superior.  We cannot go back to religion, tradition or our old ways.  We must press onwards and upwards, by understanding this New Covenant that we have been brought into.  By knowing this New and Living Way, and understanding more about the Kingdom of God, we will be able to stand against the deception and the pull to take us back.   Instead we will press on to discover and to understand the fulness of what God has provided through Jesus Christ his Son.

The ancient people created idols of wood, stone and clay.  Modern society has set aside that type of idol in favour of new idols.  Material wealth, comfortable lifestyles, even our children or our own selves.  We have seen the limitless bounty of idolatry, where we place some 'created' object or person in the place of the 'Creator' the one true God. 

Hebrews makes it clear that only one person deserves to hold the primary place in our lives.  While we are busy idolizing our move up the ladder of life or placing all our hopes on other things, Jesus offers us a better position, a better priest, a better covenant, a better hope and a better sacrifice.

Only when we give Jesus his rightful place in our lives will everything else in life fall into its rightful place.

Worship means - What we give Worth to.  We would never give worship or honour to something or someone we didn't hold any worth to.

What is Worthy of your time, your thoughts, your money or your life?

How do you prioritize your time, your feelings and your thoughts?

What consumes your thoughts - consumes and controls your life

God wants us to worship him and to love him with all our hearts, minds and soul.  This is commanded in both the Old and New Testament.

Obedience to God is an act of worship.  Giving is an act of worship.  The study of his word is an act of worship.  Prayer, meditating and talking about him is an act of worship.  Serving and waiting on Him is an act of worship.

I hope you have enjoyed this introduction, and I welcome you to join us as we study the bible together over the next few weeks.  

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