" You are Amazing God"

“For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:” Colossians 1 v 16

Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.  Revelation 4 v 11

The Word God means - 

1. Self Sustaining One  

2. Self Sufficient One

3. He who is

When we Worship God, we remember and acknowledge "The One who gave life and who sustains life", The Creator of all creation is the same who sustains all creation.  This is why God demands our worship.  It is an insult to God to worship or place 'worth' on an idol or god who can neither create or sustain anything, in fact without God himself nothing exists.  This is something that most Christians would agree with but very few really understand the depth of how important it is. 

The 1st commandment is Thou shall have no other gods before me, or you could say it this way "you shall not give credit or worship to anyone or anything else for creating or sustaining anything." 

You would not worship anything you regarded as worthless.  In fact the words WORTH and WORSHIP actually come from the same root word.  When you see the WORTH of something you would say it is WORTHY.  When we see who God really is - we will say He is Worthy of our Worship.

The human race can so easily get distracted with things of creation and situations around us that we can forget to acknowledge the Creator.

God demands our Worship - he wants us to enjoy his creation but the only way to truly enjoy what he has created is by acknowledging and knowing Him as Creator God.

We Worship Him when :-

  • we look at the mountains and say "How great is our God"
  • we look at the oceans and say "How mighty is our God"
  • we look at a flower and say "How beautiful is our God"
  • we look at the birds and say "How loving and caring is our God"
  • we see the rain and say "How gracious and mighty a provider our God is"
  • we look at the human race and say "How amazing is the Love of our God"
  • we look at a problem and say "There is nothing impossible with my God"
Our God the one who created all things and sustains all things is revealed all around us - everyday - and yet we are so easily blinded and distracted - we cannot recognise his presence.  All creation sounds his praise - YET - the praise and worship HE desires and seeks is silent - shut up inside our hearts.

Take time today to look around you and see his glory.  Thank him for who he is, the only true living God the creator of all things.  Acknowledge him today around you and in you.  

Romans 1 v 20  For ever since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through His workmanship [all His creation, the wonderful things that He has made], so that they [who fail to believe and trust in Him] are without excuse and without defense.

The Word REPENT - in its truest definition means to TURN.

When we hear the word 'repent' we mostly think it is all about turning away from our sins - but we forget that God wants our attention, he wants us to look to him as our source of life our Father God, he wants us to acknowledge him in order to truly enjoy what he has created us for.  He desires our WORSHIP.

I pray this song "You're Amazing God" blesses you today and inspires you to look beyond your problems and difficult situations, even the darkness that may surround and know that the God of All Creation is waiting for you, he is longing for you to acknowledge him and worship him, and to allow him to rescue you and lift you.  As you 'turn' to him, and acknowledge him, he will not turn you away.  

There may be many things in your life that you are not happy about but instead of complaining or being angry and upset -  I ask you to take a few moments to thank God for being God.  While there is breath in your body you have an opportunity to Turn to Him and to trust him and to acknowledge him as God.  


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